Saturday, June 27, 2015

How dialogue begins: a deeper issue

I'm progressively becoming more bored of social media. It's all clickbait, ads, and countless posts and reposts of the same content. I think it's a testament; social media will never replace quality time with friends and family. As I've talked about before, I'm huge on community and seeing and having meaning and purpose in everything. The value of these things are lost in our simultaneous connection to social media and disconnection from our social environments. There have been videos that have gone viral telling viewers to reconnect with those around them. I believe that these videos have been largely unsuccessful. We like to herald on social media that we all need to start dialogues on certain hot button issues. This isn't happening. The only talk that I've heard has been heated and volatile, and mostly over the internet. Unhealthy conversation like I've seen and heard (on the internet and, more importantly, in person) is only furthering the 'us' and 'them' mentality that currently owns our culture. Progress will be seen when neighbors (yeah, the people that live next to you) become more than acquaintances, when Facebook friends become more than part-time friends, and (more seriously) when our time with the people we claim to love becomes more valuable than our own time (which often consists of social media and electronic communication). So, before we even start these "hot button issue dialogues", we need to start investing time in those around us. This has to be accomplished face-to-face in the same place, not cyberspace (pretty good rhyme, huh?). This especially includes time with those that we claim to love, but do a terrible job at showing love toward.

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