Monday, May 11, 2015

Snape's Anguish

The anguish Snape felt had to have been unbearable. The woman he loved went on to marry someone that he thought wasn't good enough for her, someone that took the place where he should've been. When she was killed, the thoughts started that would haunt him for the rest of his life: "I could've protected her",  "if only I had been there", "If only she had chosen me." He dedicated his life to her and her memory after her death. He was constantly reminded of her choosing James over himself by looking and hearing about Harry every day for the rest of his life. His anger and frustration was hard for him to hide at times because of the constant pain. Even after decades and many years after her death, the mere thought of her is the single thing that brought him any sort of happiness. Oh the pain of imagining "what could have been" for a lifetime! To see her eyes in Harry must have been cruel bliss as he took his final breath. He saw Harry's eyes look at him saying "I was wrong about you all along. I'm sorry things weren't different between us. If I could go back, things would be different." He must have imagined her looking at him like that-- a look he had desired his entire life. And yet, it was a look that came too late and wasn't truly hers.

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