Thursday, July 11, 2013

We are not good enough (on our own)

People always claim that if we all work together we can solve all problems and make the world right.  That we can end hunger.  That we can end poverty.  That we can end disease.  That we can end war.  That we can end pain.  By now, I think we should be able to realize that we can't solve all the world's problems (not that it is a bad thing to try to bring about good and help one another).  However, we are simply not capable of accomplishing all of these things.  We say "well if everyone was more educated", "well if everyone was more passionate", "well if everyone was more loving".  As people, we see how fragile and weak we are day in and day out.  We see how quickly our best intentions/plans/ideas become corrupted and fail.  And yet, we have hope that some way, some how, these problems can be fixed and everything can be made right.  We exhaust method after method.  We need to step back and reevaluate.  The idea that we can achieve anything if we work hard enough has been engrained in our heads.  Our culture is saturated with this idea. 
Sometimes our best isn't good enough.  Sometimes our every effort fails.  Sometimes pain, suffering, and death is inevitable.
We, on our own, can't make everything right.  However, our hope is not in vain.  Our recognition that we are not in control needs to lead us to the Gospel.  Jesus embodied everything that we hope to be and see in the world.  His life, death, and resurrection showed us that all things can be made new.  He showed us that he alone can make much of us despite how uneducated, weak, impassionate, and stubborn we are.  He showed us there is hope for us all.  Let us place our hope in Jesus.  This world may be broken, but with Jesus healing is not far off.