Monday, November 10, 2014

Vulnerable Embrace

I just want to talk about things no one talks about.  I’m not sure if anyone wants to talk about them.  I want to talk about things that we feel vulnerable talking about.  Maybe others want to talk about those things too, but they feel too vulnerable to talk about them.  I want to talk about our fears.  I want to talk about our struggles.  I want to feel that understanding in empathetic silence after we reveal our vulnerabilities.  I want to feel each other’s pain, that way we don’t have to bear these things alone. 

We all yearn for human embrace, but we don’t care to admit it.  Well, we care, we are just afraid that no one will embrace such a vulnerable statement.  We all desire love, but we hesitate to reveal our feelings for one another out of fear of utter vulnerability.  That once in a lifetime mutual love is worth the risk, but the risk seems too risky in the face of unrequited love.  We all desire storybook love, at least your own storybook kind of love.  Someone else is reading it too.  They aren’t a critic, they’re the co-author you didn’t know about.

We’re all authors of stories untold-- stories that ache to be read, to be shared, to be embraced, and to be loved.

So, continue to write.  Continue to tell your story.  Spread your story.  It may never reach many, but it may reach those that care to know and be moved by it.